
What is perspective broadening and diversification?

What Can Our Advisors Do?


You’re a problem solver.

You try to help wherever you can. Whenever you see someone trying to get past a level in a video game, trying to solve one of those cute puzzles you get as a gift from relatives, or pulling their hair out over a coding problem - there’s this mysterious impulse to just take a crack at it.

Sometimes you’re motivated to relieve someone else’s frustration. Sometimes you just want to know if you can.

Maybe you’re both left confused. Other times you have an insight that eluded everyone. Maybe watching you try different strategies sparks the insight for others.

As new people join in on solving the puzzle, you all begin to clarify your thoughts by explaining what you’ve already tried. What worked, and what didn’t and why.

Finally - the “A-Ha!” moment comes. The problem has a solution. You’ll have a leg up on similar problems in the future. You’ll be able to teach others - or guide them through the act of self-discovery.


It’s not always easy to ask for help.

You can’t always ask for help get it from others in your organization. Everyone has skin in the game. Sometimes it’s inappropriate to discuss certain matters with colleagues due to imbalances in power, the workplace hierarchy or other conflicts of interest. Misunderstandings are common and spread like wildfire through the gossip network.


That’s why we’re here.

Whether your process of discovery is a joyous undertaking, or you feel stuck and need someone to collaborate with. When you work with CGSC Systems you’ll be collaborating with a network of advisors who have steered into their diversity and pursued unique educations and skills. That diversity is our strength - authentically outside-the-box perspectives to drive innovation and insight.


We can’t guarantee that we’ll solve all your puzzles - just that we’ll take a crack at them.

Identifying and Supporting Neurodiversity


We are all a part of neurodiversity

Far from being the pandering, pejorative buzzword that fixates on people’s capabilities - we believe that neurodiversity addresses the wide variety of ways that our brains work.

We believe that this is an opportunity to start a conversation about our experiences. To bring to light the hidden assumptions that we all have and to overcome the limitations that we unwittingly impose on ourselves and others.

We believe that examining neurodiversity is a way in which we can all improve our experience.


Who is neurodiverse?

We ALL are.

Each of us have a unique experience and distinct capabilities that make us who we are.

Neurodiversity doesn’t require special labels, or clinical diagnosis. It doesn’t celebrate self-diagnosis or self-labeling. Rather, we have an opportunity to examine our own abilities and limits, to describe them to and for ourselves, and to acknowledge and understand them in others.


How can we help?

Many of our advisors are neurodivergent - which is a degree of difference that is incapable of being invisible. We know, other people know it about us, and it tends to become apparent very quickly.

We have spent our lives living within this experience and gathering information about it. We are now able to use our education, our lived experience and our community to help others understand the impact of neurodiversity in their lives.

We can help difference makers recognize and emphasize their own diversity as well as that in others. Through education and conversation, we can help provide a distinct perspective on what it means to be neurodivergent. What it means, what it doesn’t and how understanding one another leads to better collaborations for us all.


What is the process?

Every organization is unique, and we can develop an approach depending on your needs.

In person or online training seminars, literature and resource support, or one-on-one consultations are all possible tools to help you cultivate neurodiversity in your organization.

It begins with a conversation to assess your situation and develop a proposal that suits your organizations’ needs.

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